
The Coldest Place on Earth (BR11)

They were all tired and ill, too. Oates's feet were blkack now, and he could not feel them. On February 16th, Edgar Evans died.

After I read this story, I became sad. Now, we can go to the Antarctic, but in the background, a lot of people were suffered from mission that to reach the south pole faster than other countries. I thought why the countries made their own delegations compete. Why many people should die? There are who frozen to death or starved to death in them. "We need to find the next depot today, but how can we find one black flag in all this  snow? It's very difficult. And there is food for four man, not five." Oates wrote. I felt his suffering, so I know how painful it was to him.

Vicary, Tim. (1992). The Coldest Place on Earth. Oxford: Oxford University Press.


Goodbye Mr Hollywood (BR10)

Nick stood up, too. "Nice to --- " he began.
But the girl suddenly took his face between her hands, and kissed him on the mouth. "Drive carefully, Mr Hollywood. Goodbye," she said, with a big, beautiful smile. Then she turned and walked quickly away.

"Call me Mystery Girl," the woman said in this story. Her actions were truly mysterious. But at last, I understand the mean of her actions. She love a man so she wanted to protect him from the old man who was trying to kill him. I thought Nick should get angry because he was almost murdered. I felt he was a generous person.

Escott, John. (1997). Goodbye Mr Hollywood. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

A Little Princess (BR9)

Sara looked at him sadly. "Ralph Crewe," she said. "He died in India from a fever, two years ago."
Mr Carrisford's face went very white. "Carmichael," he whispered, "it is the child - the child!"

 Sara Crewe is a very rich little girl. She first comes to England when she is seven, and her father takes her to Miss Minchin's school in London. But on her eleventh birthday, she heard bad news about her father. After their reunion Sara Crewe's father forgot his daughter. I think that being forgotten is the saddest things. In addition, if your family forget you, you will have a feeling of black despair.

Burnett, Frances Hodgson. (1998). A Little Princess. Oxford: Oxford University Press.


The Lottery Winner (BR8)

"We're going to talk about it in court for days and days. And lawyers are expensive. When we finish, a lot of that five million pounds is going to be our money!" 

Almost all of people think 'I want money!' After the lawyer said this words, 'Colin, shall we get a new car? A Mercedes, perhaps?' Sally said happily.
In this story, Emma Carter buys a ticket for the lottery every week, and puts the ticket carefully in her bag. But, her ticket was stolen by Jason Williams.

Border, Rosemary. (1997). The Lottery Winner. Oxford: Oxford University Press.


Pocahontas (BR7)

"I'm sorry," he said. "You are beautiful, interesting girl, Pocahontas. But you are only child!"
"I'm not a child! You're afraid of me, because I'm a King's daughter, and I want you for my husband."

After Pocahontas said this words, she went away, back to her father's village, and she didn't visit John Smith again for two months. But she thought about him every day. She believed that there was only one man in the world for her,  and that was John Smith. I think the longer you don't see the one you love, the stronger your love grows. Their love was objected by people around them, but they really loved each other.

Vicary, Tim. (1998). Pocahontas. Oxford: Oxford University Press.


Mary Queen of Scots (BR6)

"No," she said. "Thank you, but no. I was born a catholic and I'm going to die a catholic. I think God understands that."

There were facts that Mary, Queen of Scots, was a Catholic Queen, and most of Scotland was now protestant. I thought both of them are Christianity, but it has some types of sects. Each of sects has their own convention. There are disputes which happen among them.

Vicary, Tim. (2000). Mary Queen of Scots. Oxford: Oxford University Press.


Kidnapped (BR5)

The years after 1745 were an unhappy time for Scotland. The Highlanders had fought against King George of England, and lost, and now his soldiers were driving many Highlanders out of their homes.

At that time of 1745, in Scotland, there was at war between Jacobite and government troops. Jacobite is power which carries out the anti-revolutionary movement. I thought wars break out in all ages though no one hope that.

Stevenson, Robert Louis. (2000). Kidnapped. Oxford: Oxford University Press.


The Love of a King (BR4)

When I was young, I lived in Buckingham Palace. I could have anything that I wanted. But I wasn't happy because my heart was empty.

I sympathized with those words because I sometimes think like that. When I was a high school student, I had a lot of school regulations and I should obey them. But I could enjoy my school life because there were many friends, good teachers, and my family. They were really interesting. In contrast, since my university life started, I became able to spend time freely, but I couldn't feel happiness. This was because they were not near me. Now, I'm very happy because I have a lot of friends!

Dainty, P. (2000). The Love of a King. Oxford: Oxford University Press.


Titanic! (BR3)

Finally, the mother saw her sons in a newspaper, and the boys were sent back to France. There they told her their father's last words: "Tell her that I love her and still do."

I have watched a movie of the Titanic. I remember it made me sad. There were a lot of stories I didn't know in this book. A man, who is father of two babies, took his sons from their mother in France and decided to start a new life with them in America. But the accident happened. I was moved by the fact that the man put his sons before himself and thought of saving their lives.

Shipton, P. (2001). Titanic! Harlow: Pearson Education Limited.


Haunted Houses (BR2)

As the visitors explored, the ghosts spied on them from the Grand Galley. "It's the Spook Spotters," gasped Miss Lacey.

I think it is funny the image of ghosts who hire the gaps between curtains and keep their eyes on us. In general, they are frightening existences and I'm afraid of them. But, I could think them as a interesting existences since I had read this book.

Punter, R. (2005). Haunted Houses. London: Usborne Publishing Ltd.

Sleeping Beauty (BR1)

Philip looks at Aurora and he says, "Happy Birthday, Princess!"
When Princess Aurora was born, the King and the Queen were having a party. The good fairies were also at the party. Everyone is happy.

I think when a baby is born, everyone who are around the baby become happy. When it was my birthday, I was celebrated by people around me. I believe a baby is an angel who carry happiness.

Knighton, K. (2006). Sleeping Beauty. London: Usborne Publishing Ltd.


Story of Knights

No one wanted to play his game. But the Green Knight refused to leave. Finally, Sir Gawain agreed. Seizing the giant's massive sword, he sliced off his green head. Everyone gasped as the head bounces down the hall like a huge green ball. Then the Green Knight's body calmly bent down, picked up the head and tucked it under his arm.

I was scared this part because a man cut off the green man's head. It was very grotesque. 

roar: 吠える、わめく
bounce: 弾む、反射する、飛び上がる

Jane, B. (2006). Story of Knights. Usbone Young Reading.

Jack and the Beanstalk

"Time to escape," thought Jack. He clambered out of the teapot and dropped down, just by the giant's hand. The little hen stood trembling by her gold eggs. Jack grabbed the hen, slid down the tablecloth and raced through a crack under the door. Agiant dog barked loudly but Jack kept running. He heard the Jiant's angry roar and ran even faster.

I played the boy who was in this story when I was a child. I remember I held a chicken.

tummy: おなか
grumble: 不平を言う、おなかがゴロゴロなる
supper: 夕食
screech: 甲高い声を上げる、急に止まる

Katie, D. (2006). Jack and the Beanstalk. Usborne Young Reading.

The Little Mermaid

"I almost drowned once," he went on. "I was swept to a beach and woken by a lovely princess. Tomorrow I'm going to set sail and marry her! The prince's words were like a dagger in the mermaid's heart. He was everything to her, but he loved someone else. "Don't worry," he said. "You can come with me." But the little mermaid shook her head, sobbing silently.

I was very sad to read this story. I like mermaid because she is very cute. I want her to be happy.

form: 泡立つ、泡を吹く
dagger: 短剣
dart: 放つ、投げかける
shipwreck: 難破、沈没
sway: 揺れる、動かす

Hans, C. (2007). The Little Mermaid. Usborne Young Reading.


Alice in Wonderland

Alice was getting tired of sitting with her sister. She had tried reading her sister's book, but as it didn't have any pictures or people talking, it was very dull indeed. She was just wondering whether to pick some daisies for a daisy- chain when a White Rabbit ran past. Now, seeing a rabbit isn't so very remarkable.

I like the rabbit because he is very cute. They met each other by chance. It is wonderful story.

shrink: 縮む、減少する、ひるむ
squeeze: 強く押す、締め付ける、割り込む
peer: じっと見る
sob: むせび泣く、泣きじゃくる

Lewis, C. (2006). Alice in Wonderland. Usborne Publishing Ltd.

Beauty & the Beast

Beauty was back in the garden. The Beast was lying under the rose bush, just as in her dream. 'Beast?' whispered Beauty, kneeling down beside him. The Beast struggled to open his eyes. 'Is that you Beauty?' he asked. 'I'm dying.' 'No!' cried Beauty, horrified. 'Why? What happened?' She stroked his velvety face and kissed him. 'You can't die! Please, Beast. I love you. Don't die.'

I long to love like this story. It was very romantic. I want to fall in love with a nice boy.

gallop: 急いでいく
sleek: なめらかな、裕福でしゃれた
hoof: ひづめ、強く蹴る
creak: キーキー、きしむ
murmur: かすかな音、ささやく

Louie, S. (2006). Beauty & the Beast. Usborne Publishing Ltd.

Come to my party!

Alice was getting tired of sitting with her sister. She had tried reading her sister's book, but as it didn't have any pictures or people talking, it was very dull indeed. She was just wondering whether to pick some daisies for a daisy- chain when a White Rabbit ran past. Now, seeing a rabbit isn't so very remarkable.

I like the rabbit because he is very cute. They met each other by chance. It is wonderful story.

shrink: 縮む、減少する、ひるむ
squeeze: 強く押す、締め付ける、割り込む
peer: じっと見る
sob: むせび泣く、泣きじゃくる

Lewis, C. (2006). Alice in Wonderland. Usborne Publishing Ltd.


It's best to be five!

When I was little, I was little, I could not ride my bike. I had to get Mum or Dad to help me. But now I am five, I can ride my bike. I can ride it very fast. When I was little, I could not read my books. I had to get Mum or Dad to read them to me. But now I am five, I can read my books. I can read books like this one.

When I was five years old, I can't ride a bike. I wanted to be an adult earlyer.

teddy: テディベア、熊の人形

Jenny, A. (2001). It's best to be five! Person Education Limited.


Knucklebones was played in Ancient Rome. To play it today, you can use spinners instead of bones! First find four knucklebones. Scratch one name on each side of the knucklebones. Take it in turns to throw the knucklebones on the ground. After your go, add up your score and write it down on the wax tablet. The first player to reach 50 points is the winner!

In the past, people played using knucklebones. I didn't know the thing, so I was surprised!

knucklebones: 指関節の骨
spinner: 小さい駒

Catherine, A. (2003). Knucklebones! Person Education Limited.


Hensel & Gretel

Safe at last, Hansel and Gretel searched the witch's house for goodies. They took some jewels and a basket of snacks, then set off into the trees. Taking pity on Hnsel and Gretel, the birds showed them the way home. The woodcutter was overjoyed to see them. As for their stepmother -- she wasn't there.

I knew the story of Hansel & Gretel, but this book's story is different with the story I know. Both of them are interesting.

starving: 非常に空腹な
sigh: ため息をつく

The Brothers Grimm. (2005). Hensel & Gretel. Usborne Publishing Ltd.

Why the Sea is Salty

All night long, the millsyone kept turning. The pie of salt grew bigger... and bigger... and BIGGER. The thief was woken by somerhing tickling his feet. 'What's that?' he cried. It was a HUGE heap of salt.'Stop!' he shouted. But the millstone kept turning. 'Tha't enough!' he yelled. But the millstone kept turning.The salt was very heavy. The boat began to sink, lower and lower. Soon, waves were slopping over the side -- and still the millstone kept turning.

When I was a child, I was taught by my parents that the sea salty because a man splled a lot of salt. So, I remembered my good old memory.

millstone: 石臼、重荷

Rosie, D. (2009). Why the Sea is Salty. Usborne Publishing Ltd.

The Golden Goose

Soon they came to a castle. A princess lived in this castle, and she never, ever smiled. But when she saw the innkeeper... his wife... and the three siters... all running behind Billy and his goose ...she started to smile. Then, she burst out laughing. 'At last!' cried the king. 'Young man, would you like to marry my daughter?' 'Yes please!' said Bill
I thought gentle man can get happiness. I like the scene that the princess laugh.

handsome: ハンサムな、均整の取れた
snap: 素早く動かす、噛みつくように言う
itch: かゆみ
snort: 鼻を鳴らして不満を表す

Conrad, M. (2008). The Golden Goose. Usbone Publishing Ltd.


The city Mouse and the Country Mouse

'Do you really want to leave all this fine food?' asked the city mouse. 'The city is nice, but corn and safety are better than cherry pie and danger,' said the country mouse. The two mice hugged good-bye. Then the country mouse jumped on a train and went back to the country. 'No matter where I roam, there is no place like home,' he said.

I have a same idea with the country mouse. I think my hometown is the best place! I love Amakusa!!

nibble: 少しずつかじる
roam: 散策する、放浪する

Violet, F. (2006). The city Mouse and the Country Mouse. Scholastic.

Martina the Cockroach

One day she foound a gold coin while sweeping her floor. What should she buy? Should she buy shoes? Should she buy candy? 'No, I will buy perfume,' she said. She bought perfume and put it on. Then she fixed her hair and put on a pretty dress.

Generally, cockroachs are disliked, and I dislike them, too. But the cockroach in this book is very cute. Especially, I like she cares a lot about her appearance.

frog: カエル

Kama, E. (2006). Martina the Cockroach.

The Gingerbread Man

'Don't even think about eating me up. I ran away from an old woman and a dog and a cow. And I will run away from you, too!' said the cookie. 'I don7t like cookies,' fibbed the clever fox. 'Ijust want to help you get across this river. Hop on my shoulder! i promise you will not get wet.'

This fox is clever, so a gingerbread man is decieved by the fox. I think the gingerbread man is very cute!!

munch: むしゃむしゃ食べる

Violet, F. (2006). The Gingerbread Man. Scholastic.

The Nightingale

'Dear nightingale, you made me well. Come back!' I will throw away the toy bird. Then you can live in the cage all by yourself,' said the king. 'No, keep the toy bird,' said the nightingale. 'I like the forest, but I will come to your window every night to sing.' So he did. And his sweet music brought joy to everyone in the palace forever more.

My hometown is rural, so a lot of birds lived in my hometown. Birds's voices are very good. It is like a healing music.

palace: 宮殿、高官

Violet, F. (2006). The Nightingale. Scholastic.

The three Billy goats Gruff

Clomp, clomp, clomp! little billy started across the bridge. Then he heard a cranky voice.'Stop there! I am going to eat you up!' yelled Troll. 'Wait for my blother. He is bigger and much more delicious than I!' cried Little Billy. 'What a fine idea,' said Troll, licking his lips. And with that, Little Billy crossed the bridge.

I thought all of them are very clever! And, they are very cute!! Sometimes, lie is important.

cranky: 怒りっぽい、不安定な
lick: なめる

Violet, F.(2006). The three Billy goats Gruff. Scholastic.

The Spider and the Beehive

The spider yelled and yelled. But nobody could hear his cries. He was too far from the village. For an entire week, the spider sat in that hive. Then, finally, he squeezed out. And from that day on, the spider always shared his fruit his friends.

I thought the spider is greedy and rude. He should thank the boy for taking him to the places where foods exist.

pulm: 西洋李、梅
hive: ミツバチの巣

Kama, E. (2006). The Spider and the Beehive.

Stone Soup

The soup cooked and cooked. finally, it was ready. Everyone ate a big bowl. 'This is delicious!' they all said. The soup made them so happy that they danced and sang all night long. From then on, the people in the village shared. And their very favorite thing to share was stone soup!

I became happy because people who live in the village didn't share their foods at first, but one visitor made them share. They gradually became happy, and I became happy, too.

sniff: くんくん嗅ぐ、鼻から吸い込む

 Kama, E. (2006). Stone Soup. Scholastic.

The Elvesand the Shoemaker

They put the new clothes on the table and hid. When the clock struck midnight, in came the two elves. The elves were surprised to see the fine clothes instead of the leather. Zippity, zip! They put on the shirts, pants, and shoes. Then they danced a joyful jig and left.

The two elves are very cute!! And, two clothes which the shoemaker and his wife made are very little, and very cute!!

leather: なめし革、皮革
zippy: 小回りの利く、元気いっぱいの

Violet, F. (2006). The Elvesand the Shoemaker. Scholastic.

The Little Red Hen

Before long, all the bread was baked. 'Who will help me eat this?' asked the little red hen. 'Me!' said the dog. 'Me!' said the cat. 'Me!' said the duck. 'No! Because you did not help, 

Goldilocks andthe Three Bears

The bears went into the bedroom to lie down. 'Someone has been sleeping in our beds!' said Papa Bear and Mama bear. 'And someone is still in mine!' cried Baby Bear. With that, Goldilocks opened up her eyes and screamed. Then, quick as a wink, she ran out the door. And the three bears never saw that rude girl again.

I thought this girl is rude. Three bears had reasons to be angry. I think she should aapologize to them.

bit: 小片、わずか、少しばかりの
porridge: お粥

Violet, F. (2006). Goldilocks andthe Three Bears. Schorlastic.

I worked last weekend.

I worked at teisyokuya. Work I must do is very hard. Sometimes, I think I want to cease work. But I don't want to give up. So, I should do my best!!


Val's Diary

'A cake,' shouted my mother. 'Where are we going to get a cake/ There isn't a good cake shop in Greenhill!'
’You're going to make it, my dear,' said Dad.
'Me? I don't know how to make cakes. No, my dear, tomorrow you are going to buy a cake!'
'That's impossible!'
'Because I told them that you're a terrific cook. If we take a shop cake, they'll know Iwas lying!'
Mum got all red in the face and I decided it was time to make myself scarce! It's better to take cover when Mum gets angry!

I enjoyed reading it! Many stories of val's diary are interesting. I think Dad is good at making Mum angry.

lost my temper: 気性を失う、怒る
make myself scarce: 素早く去る

Mary, F.(2009). Val's Diary. Teen Readers.

How's it going?

Hi, everyone, how are things? I joined Sanoyoi Fire Carnival, which is one of the yosakoi festivals. It was very hot, so the moisture in my body was deprived. I wore my clothing for the first time. It really lifted me up. I took a lot of picture with my friends. The performances of other teams were very excellent!! My goose bumps stood. I want to practice hard, and dance performance better.


Seasons and Celebrations

The pangns who lived in Britain two thousand years ago ccelebrated their New Year on 1 November. Then the Christians came and people celebrated 'Hallowmas', a three-day festival between 31 October and 2 November. 31 October was called All Hallow's Eve, and slowly the name changed to Hallowe'en.

My most favorite event is Hallowe'en. On this day, a lot of people wear Hallowe'en costumes. For example, Disney character's costumes, a dracula, and engel. I like it's atmosphere. I want to join in this events.

jack: 少年

Maguire, J(1997). Seasons and Celebrationsl. Oxford University Press.

Book Off

I went to Book Off which is a store sold used books.

I love a novel and a comic book. I read Dragon Ball, SLAM DUNK, and so on. I stayed there about 5 hours, but I want to read more. So, I'm going to go there again.


The Motorway

The rare flowers were saved, and so was Gran's village. The bulldozers and lorries went away, but they left a big hole in the ground. "Thank you for helping us stopo the motorway," said Gran. "What will you do about the hole?"  asked Biff.
Gran smiled. She had an idea.
The big hole was made into a lake. Ducks came to live on it and wild flowers grew round it.
"The children will like this," said Gran.
"It's better than a motorway"

Beautiful flowers saved the village from building a motorway. I thought this story is very wonderful!!

kite: 凧


I went to KDS, where is driving school. KDS's teachers grilled meats for us.
They were very delicious. I want to do BBQ again.
Also, I was fun because I was able to talk with a lot of people. I had a good time.



"That great," you say. "but... how do we deactive the bots? How many bots are in there/"
"More than 50,000 bots - and growing fast1" Lisa shouts. "They're everywhere inside his brain!"
"That's not all," Nick shouts. "They're also connecting to each other, just like brain cells!2
On the display, you can see the nanobots connect with each other. Soon, there are more bots than brain cells.
Suddenly, the patient opens his eyes. He grabs Dr. Murphy's arm.
"Hey, what---?" Dr. Murphy starts to say. Then he stops. His eyes turn white.
The two men look at you. Something is wrong. Their eyes are lifeless, like robot eyes!

Today I read Brainstorm.
In this story, a man's brain was invaded by a lots of bots.
Rcently, artificial intelligences seem to be important in around the warld, but I'm afraid of them.

・brainstorm: 霊感、ひらめき


BBQ and little Sport Festival

I grill a fish and meat last Surtday. Our seniors who major in English planned BBQ for us. They were very delicious. I had a good time.

I joinned a little sport festival last Sunday. It was planned by our seniors. I played basketball and volley. I scored three goals. I enjoyed sport, and I think I have good seniors!!

Sport Festival and Drinking Party

I joined sport festival of Ichidaiji. I belonged to the strawberry group. I played volley ball and dodge ball. It was very fan!!

After that, I joined a drinking party at Higetako. There were a lot of cheap sweet and takoyaki: a ball shaped pancake with bits of octpus. I enjoyed talking with many people.



The shoe fit Perfectly1 At last, he had found the girl from the ball.
"Will you marry me?" asked the prince.
"Of course," said Cinderella.

I long to marry like them.

slipper: スリッパ

Findley,V.(2006).The Three Billy Goats Gruff. New York, NY: Scholastic.

The Princess and the Pea

One stormy night, there was a knock on his door. When the pince openedit, he saw a girl. Her hair was wet. Her clothes were muddy. And she was shivering. "hello. I am a princess. May I stay here tonight?" she asked.
"Of course," he said kindly.

Prince helped a girl who had a probrem without hesitation. He is very kind, so I thought he will meet wonderful person.

pea: 愛、幸運などの象徴

Findley,V.(2006).The three Billy goats Gruff.New York, NY:Scholastic.


Henry and Mudge in the Sparkle Days

They loved to see the winter stars in the sky. They loved to see the sparkle of the moon on the white yards. They flt happy on these walks. Mudge never stopped wagging. One night they even saw a shooting star. "Make a wish," said Henry's mother.   Henry's farther wished for peace of earth.                            Henry's mother wished for her favorite basketball tea to win.                                                                                          Henry wished for chocolate pudding every day for the rest of his life.                                                                                              They all wondered what mudge wished for. "Probably for half of my chocolate pudding," said Henry.                                               
I thought happy to read this story because I knew foregin people wish something when they see a shooting star like Japanese. I like snow, winter,and stars too. I sympathized with Henry and Mudge.                                         


Rylant, C. (1993). Henry and Mudge in the Sparkle Days. New York, NY: Simon Spotlight.

Tamana Yosakoi Festival

I joined Tamana Onsen Yume Maturi in last week end.  

First grade students debuted. I was nervous, but very fun!

Other Yosakoi team joined it too.  They came from various

places. For example, Kagoshima, Miyazaki, Nagasaki.

 I want to able to dance better, so I must practice yosakoi!!


Shrek the Third

Fiona, the princesses, Donkey, Puss In Boots and the fairy tale characters ran to the castle.
Suddenly, Donkey saw Arthur. 'Don't go!' shouted Donkey. 'Prince charming wanted to hurt you. Shrek helped you!'
'I'm coming with you!' Arthur said.
at the show, things were bad for Shrek. His friends wanted to help but it wasn't easy.
Suddenly Arthur shouted, 'Stop the show! You don't have to be villains. Look at Prince Charming. He's horrible and he's never happy! Do you want to be like him?'
'No!' said the villains.
'Wait! Don't listen to him. I'm the king!7shouted Prince Charming.
'No,' said the villains. 'Arthur is our king.'

I`m happy because Shrek didn't be killed. At last, everyone understand Shrek have good mind.